Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Were you brave today?  I hope so.  

That thing you're wondering if you should do or not? ... Well, you should.

That thing you're saving for a special occassion? ... Well, that occassion is now.

Every damn day is a special occassion.  Don't believe me?

Close your eyes.
Take a breath.
Remember everything in an instant.
And smile.

You may have been told this before.
Or maybe not.
You may have believed it.
Or not.


Your smile is amazing.
It's a light in my darkness.

I bet I'm not the only one.

I love you for all the things that you are...
...that I am not.

If ever you wonder if you've made a difference, I give you now a resounding yes.  I may be just little ole me, but I'm the most important me in my personal universe, and that universe would be a little more empty without you in it.

I'm a person with just a few small skills, but how interesting it is that my skills require a certain amount of life experience.  An active imagination.  A point of view, that is guided in part, by the simple fact that you have become part of me.

I would be less
you make me more.

I see in you, so much ability.  So much talent.  So much brilliance, and passion, and life.  I see the things you think you hide.

I see the mask you wear, and I know...
even if you don't...
I know absolutely

That you were brave today.

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