I'm trying something new. I'm writing this entire post from my phone. This may possibly be a mistake as in the past week my stupid piece of pocket plastic has twice crapped out on me, causing me to twice lose all my photos, apps, info, pretty much all the stuff I had taken for granted. *stupid smart phone*
Also writing from here is much MUCH more time consuming. I type with a relatively high degree of accuracy at around 70 wpm. In all honesty, I have no idea if this is fast or slow when compared to other people. I really don't care. What I do know is it's a helluva lot faster than I swype on my little digital keyboard.
Also I'm shit with editing. Typically, I'll type out whatever bullshit I feel like writing and hit publish without a second look. I know this is a cardinal sin in the writing world, and often I'll go back after publishing, re-read whatever I put out there, and discover all sorts of small errors. Whatever. Maybe someday I'll learn to care. Maybe using my phone will force me to. Autocorrect has introduced me to a whole new world of headaches. *stupid smart phone*
So why am I doing this? Simple. I need my fix. I don't even need, or necessarily have anything to say. I just need to see my own words in front of me. I need that hope that other people might see them as well. I'm a strange sort of junkie who has gone too long without the next hit, and like that junkie who has exhausted all other resources, I've gone to my last available dealer. The product may be shit. I may have to work twice as hard to get where I'm going, but goddammit I gotta do something.
I have two real computers. Or rather I have two overpriced, overused paper weights. My desktop died a couple years ago. I still have it around, but it's just so much an elaborate dust collector. My life, being nothing if not defined by bad timing, has thrown me the challenge of losing my laptop right in the midst of my move. Now it sits there, starting at me. Mocking me with strange mechanical laughter every time I hit the power button. It goes into a strange boot loop, and won't even let me try safe mode.
I know both of my computers may be fixable, but this costs money, and moving is expensive, so it may be a bit until I get all those little irritants worked out. Or perhaps just save my pennies and get a new one. Either way, until that happens, I have my little un-trusty phone to get me through.
So on to other things.
The Move:
Pretty much done. In the final stages of cleaning. Getting a few remaining possessions out of the old place and into the new. I like the new place, new roommates. It's comfortable. Inviting. Warm. It's not yet home. I'm okay with that. I've mentioned previously that I'm a homeless soul, so wherever I put my head at night is usually fine. I've a feeling I'll really enjoy it there, once I acclimate to all the little necessary adjustments. There will probably be a lot less walking around naked, but who knows, maybe the new roomies will have to make adjustments too.
The Holidays:
I hate this time of year. Everything real feels like it's put on hold until after the new year when people return to normal. I always feel like that month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is spent in this weird phase of making plans. I actually have no problem with the actual day, and usually quite enjoy it. Throw my birthday on top of it all, and I do have so many good times, but really...all the fucking plans. The priorities, that any other time of year, just wouldn't be. It becomes very difficult to "just be" during this time of year.
Still acting. Have another audition in a week. Need to find a monologue. Prepare. Memorize. Make sure my clothes that don't have holes are clean. Do my best, hope for the best.
Still dedicated to my bachelorhood. I really don't anticipate any change there. It would be nice to find similarly minded folks of the opposite sex, but I don't really anticipate any change there either. Still eating crap, consuming too much caffeine and nicotine, not sleeping much, and overbooking my schedule...fast tracking myself to an earlier grave. Don't really anticipate much change there. So really nothing has changed.
I do have other, more interesting things on my mind, but for now, I just want to see if doing all of this is even doable with a *stupid smartphone*.
It's doable indeed! ;)